The services for the protection of technological innovations by patent of inventions and utility models, provided by the firm…
Protection of the Technological Invention and Industrial Design
The services for the protection of technological innovations by patent of inventions and utility models, provided by the firm VAZ E DIAS ADVOGADOS & ASSOCIADOS, involve the search of novelty, inventive step and viability of the patent protection (also known as availability patent search) in relevant scientific fields, as well as the preparation of the patent application, the patent filing and the leading and monitoring of national and international filing of patents.
In this point, it should highlighted that the professionals specialized on drafting patents are holder of knowledge and expertise in specific relevant fields, such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and related sciences, among others. Yet, these professionals have the expertise to patent drafting for the protection and to comply the legal and technical office actions issued by the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) and by Patent Offices of foreign countries bounded by the Patent Convention Treaty (PCT) and the Paris Convention.
By rendering such consulting services, the firm disposes monitoring services of competitors and assists Brazilians and foreign businessmen to implement a “Patent Protection Plan” and a “Trademark Protection Plan” for diverse jurisdictions, bearing in mind 4 main aspects: (i) Countries of Bigger Market; (ii) Countries of Direct Importance to the Client; (iii) BRICS’ countries and (iv) Countries of Latin America.
As part of the protection, our technical professionals gather with our attorneys for the elaboration of legal opinions about the patentability, possible violation of patents and industrial designs, enforcement of plant varieties, developing also strategies of action and defense.
The knowledge in the technological innovation allows the rendering of the Freedom to Operate (FTO) services and the Technology Roadmapping, as instruments to draft market and technology strategies, investments in new business and patent protection.
The Technology Roadmapping (TRM) is a method of analysis that support companies and research institutions to plan strategic development of new technologies in view of the continuous technology advancement and the fast market technological change.
The proliferation of new technologies has impacted in the reduction of a lifetime of technologies, since they quickly become obsolete with the creation of new techniques every moment. Therefore, it has become indispensable for the competitiveness of a company the development of new products so that the companies may conquer market and maintain competitive in the hostile competitive environment.
The TRM allows obtain the picture of the regional or sectorial development technological scenario in conformity with the companies and public institution interest.
For other technological developments that are not protected by patent, such as trade secret and proprietary technology (if not patentable), our attorneys also support businessmen to take the needed specific proceeding for protecting or maintaining the confidentiality of secret or proprietary information, following the access restrictions determined by the industrial property law and case law.
In the area of industrial designs, we provide the assistance necessary to protect the design of new products, ensuring differentiation and exclusivity ahead the market. The National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) grants registration to a variety of products in the industry, such as fashion, consumer goods, automotive parts, household appliances, packaging, etc. Our technical professionals have the expertise to assist designers in the correct preparation of representative drawings necessary for protecting their creations.